I saw Iron Man 2 tonight, and not of my own choice but that's a different story. Needless to say, it was NOT on my list of "have to see" movies. I did not enjoy the first one, and from previews I read, I did not expect this one to be any better. Well, my suspicions were correct. The movie opens with a 1/2 hour of sex dance scenes and while it doesn't get much worse, it definitely does not get any better. However, this brings me to my question of the night.
What has happened to Christians, that we are so DEAD to the sin and evil in this world? Why do we ALLOW (yes, allow) these worldly things into our homes to influence us? Last time I checked, none of us were required to watch the latest trashy films or read the latest books.
Romans 12:2~"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD."
We are called to be different in this world: a witness to those that do not know God. However, if we are allowing these worldly films/books/etc. into our minds to influence our thoughts and behaviors, we are no different than the world and people around us that do not know Christ as their Savior.
So, to my fellow Christians and believers in the One True GOD, I urge you to take a stand in your communities and homes. Read God's word and allow Him to teach and show you the difference between conforming to the world and keeping yourselves set apart to do His will. Be strong and of good courage, for God is always with you and will help you through the tough decisions.
Do not be a dead Christian! Take a stand for God's truth. Learn to differentiate between trash and treasure and let the treasure in, but leave the trash on the street.
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