Welcome, Friends! I am glad you have chosen to join me here as I walk through these days that God has given me. I hope these thoughts, musings, and ideas I write will bless you in your walk. I encourage you to leave comments and questions of your own. I would love to hear from you! May God's grace be with you always.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It is well.

Setting: Israel, during the time of Elisha.
Disclaimer: Not my story. *smile*  See II Kings 4:8-37 for the original telling, this is simply my version of it. 

Harvest.  My favorite time of year.  She turns from the window as the servant bursts through the door, eyes narrowing with concern when she saw the servant carried her child, her only son.  "A headache," the servant gasps out, regaining his breath.  Quickly gathering her son from the servant's arms, she thanks him, and sends him back to the fields to re-join the reapers before the storm clouds rise.

She rocked back and forth in an effort to calm her son’s crying.  He was starting to slow down finally, but he was warm.  So warm.  He felt as though he was dropping into sleep.  This was good; he would probably sleep it off.  She laid him on the straw pallet in the corner and wet a rag to lay on his forehead in an attempt to cool him down.  Returning to her son, she thought his breathing was shallow but attributed it to him sleeping.  But it kept getting slower and finally stopped.  Elisha! He can pray to God and bring him back to us.  I must go to him now.  

She ran to her husband through the stubble in the wheat fields, skirts and hair flapping in the wind.  "Jacob!  My husband! I need a young man and one of the donkeys to find the man of God and return."

"Why do you need to see him today?  It is neither New Moon nor the Sabbath."

"All will be well.  Thank you, Jacob!"

"Do not slow on my account."  The servant nodded and urged the donkey to move as quickly as possible.  Although appearing relatively calm on the outside, her insides were pounding with shock and grief.  Surely Elisha can bring our son back to us.  They bounced quickly along towards Mount Carmel where the he was known to stay.

Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, met her before she reached Elisha himself to question if all is well at Elisha’s request.  She told him that all is well.

They reach the man of God.  She climbs out of the cart, and kneels at his feet, shuddering as the tears finally began to flow down, pounding the dirt and wetting his feet.  "Did I ask you to give me a son?  Did I not say, 'Do not deceive me'?"

Elisha instantly realizes what has happened and sends Gehazi with his staff. "Do not stop to greet anyone and do not answer any greetings, but go and lay my staff across the face of the child."

The woman refuses to leave Elisha so they follow behind Gehazi who is running to reach the child.  They reach the house soon after Gehazi and find Gehazi unable to awaken the child.   Elisha closes himself in the room with the dead child and prays to the Lord.  He stretched his body over the child to warm the child's body twice, and the child sneezed seven times and awoke the second time.  She runs into the room after Gehazi tells her the news, falls to the floor and thanks Elisha while praising God, then gathers her son from the bed and leaves, crying tears of joy and thankfulness.

All is Well-to her husband when her son had just died.
All is Well-to Gehazi when he asks in Elisha’s name
Not until she reaches Elisha does she ask “Why?  Why did you ask God to give me a son to take him away?”

What faith.  She knew that God could bring her son back through His servant, Elisha.

Yet I worry about little things.  The test I have on Tuesday (if you think of me, please pray), projects due with too little time.  Worry doesn’t accomplish anything anyways though, other than taking up precious time and preventing us from seeing the gifts that God has placed in our lives.

What can we do to stop worrying and start praising God all the time, not just when we feel like it?  What do you do?

A video about Horatio Stafford, the man who wrote the hymn, It is Well, and his story.  You can turn off the music player on the right side by clicking the pause button.

Linking with Ann today:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Yesterday, Today, and Forever

I thank Thee, God, that I have lived in this great world and known its many joys; The song of the birds, the strong sweet scent of hay and cooling breezes in the secret dusk, the flaming sunsets at the close of the day, hills, and the lonely, heather-covered moors, music at night, and moonlight on the sea, the beat of waves upon the rocky shore and wild, white spray, flung high in ecstasy: The faithful eyes of dogs, and treasured books. The love of kin and fellowship of friends, and all that makes life dear and beautiful. I thank Thee, too, that there has come to me a little sorrow and, sometimes, defeat, a little heartache and loneliness that comes with parting, and the word, "Goodbye," dawn breaking after dreary hours of pain, when I discovered that night's gloom must yield and morning light break through to me again. Because of these and other blessings poured unasked upon my wondering head, because I know that there is yet to come an even richer and more glorious life, and most of all, because Thine only Son once sacrificed life's loveliness for me--I thank Thee, God, that I have lived. 
~Elizabeth, Countess of Craven, England (1750-1828)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thoughts for the weekend: Psalm 121

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
         From whence comes my help?
 My help comes from the LORD,
         Who made heaven and earth.

 He will not allow your foot to be moved;
         He who keeps you will not slumber.
 Behold, He who keeps Israel
         Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
 The LORD is your keeper;
         The LORD is your shade at your right hand.
 The sun shall not strike you by day,
         Nor the moon by night.

 The LORD shall preserve you from all evil;
         He shall preserve your soul.
 The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in
         From this time forth, and even forevermore.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dear Mom,

Hi, I've been meaning to write this to you for a while now.  I just want to say thank you for all that you have done for me.

For giving me life
Encouraging my love of books and reading, even when I sometimes read instead of doing my school work
Encouraging my drawing
Letting me spend so much time with Grandma and Grandpa
Allowing me the freedom to bike all over town by myself
Encouraging me to keep going when I get discouraged and tired of life
Teaching my school
Putting up with me when I had a bad attitude
Putting up with me for being "brutally honest" as you called it (I'm trying to learn to be tactful!)
Letting me "help" with cooking when I was little; I learned more than I ever realized
Helping to talk dad into letting me have a dog
Helping us take care of the rabbits
Putting the time and effort into homeschooling
Always finding time to take us running in the mornings for soccer
Playing soccer in the front yard with all of the neighborhood kids
Sunday dinners

And so much more....

I love you, Mom.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Shock. Confusion. Chaos.

I remember mom and dad turning on the radio that morning, just like every morning.  Only the regular programs were interrupted by the news updates.  Calling us kids to come listen.  I remember being confused because I didn't understand what was going on.  America under attack?

We went to my grandparents to watch the news because we didn't have a tv with channels.  We watched multiple replays of the towers crumbling inwards on themselves.  I remember everyone praying for America and for protection for the rest of the country over and over again.

10 years later, we still remember.  We still pray for our country and for the people serving.  Thank you to the service members who have risked their lives to preserve our freedom.  Thank you to the first responders for the people you saved and the lives you gave in exchange for theirs.  You have made a difference and showed America the quality of the people serving our nation.  Thank you for your willingness to serve.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will America Last?

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!” Isaiah 5:20-21

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Recap

Well, I have not been on here much this summer in the way of writing.  Life kept me pretty busy.  After finishing a 10 day Chemistry course, I left on a 24 hour drive for S. Cali with a friend the day I took my final. I pulled my A! :-) Southern Cali is gorgeous!  I couldn't live there (too many people), but it was a ton of fun!  I loved the ocean!
I wasn't planning on swimming because everyone had warned me that it was cold so I wore jeans and waded.  A wave caught me though so I was soaked!  After I got used to the water, it wasn't bad at all. 
While I was in Cali, I also got to see some family that lives there and my cousins and Aunt and Uncle who were visiting the family.  I was really happy to see all of them!  My cousins had grown so much since Christmas!

Then I got on a plane for the southern plains of the US.  We were there most of the summer.  It was over 100 degrees for the majority of the time we were there and super humid.  Biking at 7 in the morning was even a bit of a stretch as far as temperature goes.  I caught up on all of the books that I hadn't had time to read with being in school. 

We also got to go home for a week and a half and help Grandpa on the farm.  We loaded up a lot of scrap metal for the junk yard!  Temperatures were much nicer!  The sunsets were amazing, as usual.  So were the stars, but I don't have a good enough camera to take pictures of the stars.  Usually, I can see clear to the Milky Way.  It stretches across the whole sky.

We also got to go to the lake with some of my old friends that are getting married this fall!  Snow melt makes for nice cool water.  Several hotdogs apiece with s'mores and many bottles of tea later we headed for home...oh, and one now-dead rattlesnake that was in the path. It had 6 rattles, but it wasn't very big.  I don't have any pictures because it was dark at that point and I had forgotten my camera.

All in all, a good summer.  School starts next week and I don't know if I'm ready to buckle back down to it, but the energy to conquer will come with each assignment.  God will provide the energy needed.  I am definitely ready to be finished with school though so I am really thankful that I only have one year left.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Storms of Life— Where is the Peace?



People dying.  

But miracle stories of survivors in the rubble.

More storms to come this season. 

People learning to care for their neighbors.

Helping people they rarely talk to. 

Sacrifices made.

Searching for peace tonight.

The Lord will take care of His people.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
   where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
   the Maker of heaven and earth.
 He will not let your foot slip—
   he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
   will neither slumber nor sleep.
 The LORD watches over you—
   the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
   nor the moon by night.
 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
   he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going
   both now and forevermore. 
~Psalm 121~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Horses...A picture post

Over Easter break I was able to see the colt again.  He has grown a lot!  I am excited for this summer when I will hopefully get to see him more often.  Of course I took pictures.
He is a lot more skittish now that he's older so he spooks more easily.
His mama.  Isn't she gorgeous?!
 And a one more of him...so beautiful!
The other mares came to visit while I was taking pictures so I took some of them too. 
 This one was really friendly.

Do you give the horse his might?
         Do you clothe his neck with a mane?
Do you make him leap like the locust?
         His majestic snorting is terrible.
He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength;
         He goes out to meet the weapons.
He laughs at fear and is not dismayed;
         And he does not turn back from the sword.
The quiver rattles against him,
         The flashing spear and javelin.
With shaking and rage he races over the ground,
         And he does not stand still at the voice of the trumpet.
As often as the trumpet sounds he says, ‘Aha!’
         And he scents the battle from afar,
         And the thunder of the captains and the war cry. 
~Job 39:19-25~

You can see the pictures larger if you click on them, then just click on the back button to come back to the blog. :-) 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Through hard times and good...

...God is always here to help.

This song has meant a lot to me lately, so I thought I would share it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Weekends are for:





Playing with the neighbor's kids

Turning circles until dizzy

Playing catch

Roses blooming
Sweet rose scent


Freshly baked bread

In-house movie dates

Blue skies
Bean plants pushing through the dirt

Strawberries turning red

You can see the pictures larger if you click on them, then just click on the back button to come back to the blog. :-) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break Adventures

Spring break was good and very, very needed. I was sick the week before break along with taking most of my mid-terms so I was super-tired at the beginning of break. I think I slept 1/2 way to where we went! Ok, not quite...Tommy has been tired of driving my car because it doesn't have cruise control so I drove most of the way there and then he drove for the last hour or so.  It was good that he drove then because it was after midnight and I am not a night owl.  I don't usually study after about 10:30 at night because my brain tends to turn off about that time.  I saw a coyote while I was driving and Tommy saw lots of deer and a cougar after he took over.  I don't remember the deer or cougar because I was asleep then.  Bummer!

I drove tractor for Tommy's dad and harrowed his pastures to get them smoothed out.  I have the radio memorized again now. :-)  One evening I even listened to Adventures in Odyssey...it had been a long time since I listened to that show on the radio.  I really enjoyed it.  I also helped out at the airport and cleaned spray nozzles for the planes and helped take the airplanes apart for the annual inspections.

Since Tommy's dad has cows, I got to ride along for morning chores and help.  Tommy was nice enough to do most of the work with feeding bales so I could take pictures.  That was a lot of fun!  The cows did not really know what to do think of me because I was getting pretty close to take some of these pictures.  While we were feeding one morning, a cow calved...I didn't have my camera that day unfortunately.  The calf was so funny trying to walk around because he didn't know how to walk yet. 

The day we left Tommy and I stopped at a neighbor's place because they had a foal born several days earlier.  He was really cute and so curious!  Since the mare was really gentle, we could get into the pen with them.  We were feeding cubes to the mare so we could get close to him and he thought that he wanted some cubes too, but he didn't know what they were.  The colt wasn't sure if he liked us touching him either.  It was pretty funny!  He'd get close and then he'd spook and move away, but he would be back soon for more.  I want to go back during our next school break and see how much he has grown.

While we were seeing the colt some of the calves in the next pen over became curious to see what was happening so they came over.  One of them was a little bolder than the others (not much), but bold enough that we could hand-feed him. (Most cows/calves aren't)  It has been a long time since I hand-fed a calf!  He wasn't sure that he wanted to be that close to us, but he sure wanted those cubes!

And today I am thankful for:
Curious calves

 Long tongues and courage to take the cubes.

Foal: just 3 days old

Long whiskers and curiosity.

God's painting
Soft muzzles nuzzling hands
Funny newborn calves
Easily fixed hydraulic hoses (yes, there is a story, but not today.  I will suffice to say that it wasn't my fault)

You can see the pictures larger if you click on them, then just click on the back button to come back to the blog. :-)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thankful for Fleas?!

My fingers itch for the screen with the words flowing through them into the pages...but they know not what to write.  ~Several days ago

I have found the words to flow across the screen now...I hope that these thoughts will help you. 

I have been trying lately to bring eucharisteo from my head into my skin.  Some days I fail horribly.  Others are better.  This thankfulness habit can be hard sometimes.  When tests are looming in front of me waiting to be conquered.  When the papers need to be written, but the supper also needs to be made and dishes cleaned after.  My expectations not being met.  But expectations destroy the relationships I am trying to build.

However, the only way to form a habit is to keep on trying, keep on finding ways to be thankful.

The pastor at the church we attended last weekend (we are on break, so not our usual church) spoke on Philippians 4:4-7.  It seems that everywhere I turn, I am finding eucharisteo more and more.  This has blessed me.  I have found, with the help of eucharisteo--giving thanks, that peace.  The peace mentioned in the above verses which surpasses all understanding.  Still not all the time, but much more often.

Also, the pastor mentioned this on Sunday, and I have found it to be true...long before I knew anything about eucharisteo.  Worry steals the joy that we have.  However, when I worry, I dis-trust God's ability to care for the situations which have entered into my life.  He is able and will take care of my life.  But isn't it wrong of me to question His ability to do so?  All things work together for good.  These situations may not come together as I want them to, but God is not planning my life around my wants.  God made me, us, people to give Him glory!  To thank Him for the things and circumstances He has placed in our lives.  Good or bad.  And even the bad circumstances simply give us an opportunity to praise Him in all things...not just when our life is going fairly well.

In the "Hiding Place," Corrie Ten Boom talks about her and Betsy (Her sister)'s time in the Auschwitz concentration camp.  They were reading the Bible they had managed to smuggle into the camp and came across 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  Do not quench the Spirit.  do not despise prophecies.  Test all things; hold fast what is good.  Abstain from every form of evil."

They were then thanking God for their circumstances.  Food, togetherness, crammed quarters for warmth, etc...but Betsy thanked God for the fleas.  Corrie was horrified.  Fleas?!  Really?  Why be thankful for fleas?!  However, they were talking with another inmate several weeks later and were curious why they had not been bothered by the lecherous male guards.  The other inmate disclosed that it was because of the fleas!  So yes, even in the most unlikely circumstances, I should be thanking God for the bad things as well.  Good can always come out of the darkest circumstances.

I can also be thankful for the work.  Dirty dishes, laundry, normal household chores, homework, school in general.  "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Cor 10:31) Have I been thinking of my dishes sitting in the sink like this?  Can thanking God for the opportunity to bless my husband by simply cleaning the dishes give God glory?  Have I been doing these things to the utmost of my abilities?  These questions have been coming up in my mind lately as I have thought about that verse.  I should be working on being thankful as I go about these daily tasks which seem to be such drudgery sometimes.

Eucharisteo comes full circle.  Grace from the Father--Thankfulness and Praise to our Father--Joy and Peace

~ Philippians 4:4-7* ~
"Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again I will say, rejoice!  Let your graciousness be known to all men.  The Lord is at hand.  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

*Italics are mine

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rainy days and Beautiful Sunsets

It rained tonight after I got back from school today.  Torrential rain.  We were under a tornado watch too, but the clouds weren't dark enough for a tornado.  Anyways...I got out after the rains and swept all of the leaves off our porch so they wouldn't get tracked into the house. I also took a few pictures.

I don't know why I like this picture so much.  Maybe it's the rain drops continuing to cling to the fragile petals or how the colors turned out.

Here's the top part of the sunset.  I can't see the bottom half from our place, but oh well.

And tonight I am thankful for:
80) God's glory streaming through the clouds this morning on the way to school and keeping me awake!  Amazing!
81) Around 10 deer in the road ditch this morning
82) The deer stayed in the ditch and didn't meet my car. Yay! (I was trying to figure out how I could stop, pick it up, and butcher it if they did decide to meet my car though.  *grin*)
83) Not having to drive through the rain storm
84) Nice weather so I can open the windows
85) No deadlines tomorrow!

*You can see the pictures big if you click on them...or you should be able to.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Time is a gift.  I need to learn how to slow down and enjoy every moment I have.  Life is such a haze of deadlines, classes, tests, and homework right now.  I still need to slow down and wake up and see what God has given to me every day and thank Him for giving me this life to live.  I want to have lived well...not rushed through life as though it were a race.

So thank you, God, for giving me this life and time to live and enjoy this world that You created!

And tonight I am thankful for:
72) Time
73) Tommy doing dishes so I could do my homework
74) Large living room windows
75) My pansies blooming!
76) Stories of other people who are willing to share
77) Listening

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Colors about to burst from their shell.
The promise of the harvest.
Rain to nurture the crops and promises yet to come.

Thankful for:
40)  Shoots of green breaking through the brown earth to receive the sun's kisses.
41) Dirt underneath fingernails
42) Praising the Father
43) Popcorn :)
44) Words
45) Learning new lessons

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Charis. Grace.
Chara. Joy.
Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving.
~One Thousand Gifts

Joy comes from giving Thanks.  Thankfulness comes from recognizing the Grace that God grants us in everyday life.  Not only the good times, but also the hard times.  God has a purpose and a Season for every thing under Heaven.

Thankful for:
7) Friends and walks
8) A loving God who grants us Grace that we might have Joy
9) Cherries picked and seeded with love
10) Stew and bread
11) Long talks with friends under the moonlit skies.
12) Tall glasses of fresh water.
13) Books
14) Talented piano players who seem to play my heartstrings with their notes.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Sometimes we grip what’s meant to be released, neglect what’s meant to be cherished and wonder why we stand in sawdust. ~Ann Voskamp
And so I must learn how to cherish what is meant to be cherished, what has been given to me to cherish.  I must learn to release that which needs releasing.  An open hand can do much good, but a closed hand (or heart) can cause much suffering, both to the ones who surround the owner and to the owner itself.

This is what I have learned this week: to be thankful for all things.  For God is with us all of the time and He is Good all of the time.  Even when it seems like the world is falling apart, He is still with us.  Holding our hands.  Carrying us through our trials, our darkest days.  

Also, I have learned that thankfulness brings joy.  Real lasting joy to bear us up through the dark days and weeks.  The days when I'm overwhelmed with everything that I need to get done.  The other source of energy that I cannot, should not replace is spending time with God.  Prayers, sent heavenward while driving down the highways.  Learning to listen for the answers.  Learning that the answers are not always what I want to hear.  Remembering to spend time in the Word, the Book of Life.  It is my lifeline to learning how God works in lives.  His people's from the very beginning, and mine since before I was ever thought of or born.  The Word holds the answers to my questions, thoughts, yearnings.  

"And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" ~Ephesians 5:20
 And tonight I am thankful for:
1) A husband who cooked me dinner
2) The full moon
3) Laughter
4) The irises coming up, little bits of green from the dirt soon to be flowers
5) Fingers and hearts intertwined
6) Older women who are willing to share their young love stories that other young lovers may benefit from their wisdom and advice which has grown over years of experience.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Had the chance to see some rather glorious sunsets over Christmas break and thought that I would share them. :-)  I didn't think that the pics turned out too bad considering we were driving.