Welcome, Friends! I am glad you have chosen to join me here as I walk through these days that God has given me. I hope these thoughts, musings, and ideas I write will bless you in your walk. I encourage you to leave comments and questions of your own. I would love to hear from you! May God's grace be with you always.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Shock. Confusion. Chaos.

I remember mom and dad turning on the radio that morning, just like every morning.  Only the regular programs were interrupted by the news updates.  Calling us kids to come listen.  I remember being confused because I didn't understand what was going on.  America under attack?

We went to my grandparents to watch the news because we didn't have a tv with channels.  We watched multiple replays of the towers crumbling inwards on themselves.  I remember everyone praying for America and for protection for the rest of the country over and over again.

10 years later, we still remember.  We still pray for our country and for the people serving.  Thank you to the service members who have risked their lives to preserve our freedom.  Thank you to the first responders for the people you saved and the lives you gave in exchange for theirs.  You have made a difference and showed America the quality of the people serving our nation.  Thank you for your willingness to serve.

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