Welcome, Friends! I am glad you have chosen to join me here as I walk through these days that God has given me. I hope these thoughts, musings, and ideas I write will bless you in your walk. I encourage you to leave comments and questions of your own. I would love to hear from you! May God's grace be with you always.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Sometimes we grip what’s meant to be released, neglect what’s meant to be cherished and wonder why we stand in sawdust. ~Ann Voskamp
And so I must learn how to cherish what is meant to be cherished, what has been given to me to cherish.  I must learn to release that which needs releasing.  An open hand can do much good, but a closed hand (or heart) can cause much suffering, both to the ones who surround the owner and to the owner itself.

This is what I have learned this week: to be thankful for all things.  For God is with us all of the time and He is Good all of the time.  Even when it seems like the world is falling apart, He is still with us.  Holding our hands.  Carrying us through our trials, our darkest days.  

Also, I have learned that thankfulness brings joy.  Real lasting joy to bear us up through the dark days and weeks.  The days when I'm overwhelmed with everything that I need to get done.  The other source of energy that I cannot, should not replace is spending time with God.  Prayers, sent heavenward while driving down the highways.  Learning to listen for the answers.  Learning that the answers are not always what I want to hear.  Remembering to spend time in the Word, the Book of Life.  It is my lifeline to learning how God works in lives.  His people's from the very beginning, and mine since before I was ever thought of or born.  The Word holds the answers to my questions, thoughts, yearnings.  

"And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" ~Ephesians 5:20
 And tonight I am thankful for:
1) A husband who cooked me dinner
2) The full moon
3) Laughter
4) The irises coming up, little bits of green from the dirt soon to be flowers
5) Fingers and hearts intertwined
6) Older women who are willing to share their young love stories that other young lovers may benefit from their wisdom and advice which has grown over years of experience.

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